With You Every Step of the Way...
Just as no two human beings are exactly alike, the same goes for the types of therapy used to treat each individual. We all have different personalities and levels of engagement. What will work for you may not work for someone else, and therefore, the types of therapy provided are chosen on a case by case basis. We all communicate differently, and my job is to find the best way to communicate with you in a safe and warm environment, focusing on your strengths, so that each therapy session builds confidence, character, positive change and empowerment, ultimately guiding you to live the life you want to live.
Therapy sessions can be conducted in an individual, family, couple, or group format. Sessions can be in person, or via teletherapy, using Skype, FaceTime or the telephone. I welcome you to call me for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.
Together, we can achieve anything you put your mind to! Happiness, clarity, peace, confidence and empowerment are waiting for you – and I can’t wait to help you along your journey!
Take a look at the services I offer, and get in touch with me today.

Every child is a different kind of flower, and altogether make this world a beautiful garden...
Parents of a struggling child or teenager often wonder what they can do to help their child. Many parents mention that they feel like they’ve tried everything, and nothing has worked. Whether your child is dealing with depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues, peer pressure/bullying, struggling academically, or displaying behavior problems, we can work together in helping your child or adolescent navigate through these difficult times and effectively deal with life’s challenges.
As a therapist and parent, I understand the importance of working with someone who will not only understand what you are going through, but who will also know how to truly connect with your child in order to effectively communicate with him or her.
In my years of experience working with children and their families, I have found that parents’ involvement is vital in the successful treatment of their children. I use a family-directed approach, in which I work individually with children, to teach them the tools they need to handle difficult situations while also coaching parents on how to open the lines of communication and offer support when their child needs it.
Not only will therapy change your child’s life, but it will also change your relationship with your child for the better. With the right guidance, your child will be more open, honest and receptive. With so much on the line, why wait to get help?

Here For You
Do you ever feel like you take 1 step forward and 3 steps back at the same time? Or maybe you feel lost, stuck, or overwhelmed by events and feelings in your life? Perhaps it's become hard to tackle your day-to-day tasks and you're longing to reconnect with the person you used to be or who you want to be?
Whatever struggles you are facing now, whether it’s a temporary or a more lingering feeling of loneliness, depression or anxiety about where your life is headed, we can find a solution that works best for you and your unique needs.
Sometimes life is hard and getting the right help and guidance is key in order to lead the rewarding, happy, fulfilling, confident and peaceful life you deserve. I’d love to help you get to where you want to be.

Here, you will feel at home...
If your attorney suggested that you obtain a report from an immigration evaluation therapist, you’ve come to the right professional.
An Immigration Psychological Evaluation is psychological assessment that is used to help immigration courts determine whether an individual will be able to remain lawfully in the United States.
A comprehensive, expert evaluation conducted by a mental health professional knowledgeable about the factors involved in extreme immigration hardships and the relevant mental health issues, along with a thorough report, adds a tremendous value to the immigration case. It can be effectively used by your attorney to support your case and move forward with your immigration proceedings.
The immigration evaluation itself includes in-depth interviews that occur over the course of 3 to 4 meetings, consultations with attorney, speaking with other people relevant to the case, psychological evaluation, scoring and interpreting results, and report writing.
Psychological Immigration Evaluations and reports are used in four major areas of immigration proceedings:
In Extreme and Exceptional Hardship cases, a citizen of the United States, or a legal permanent resident (LPR) of the United States, is the spouse, fiancée, parent, or child of an individual who could be deported from the United States. The U.S. citizen applies for a waiver on the basis that deportation would result in an extreme and exceptional hardship.
The purpose of the psychological evaluation is to assess and explain the hardships that all the relevant family members would face if the waiver were not granted. The professional opinion rendered in a psychological evaluation greatly strengthens the case.
2. SPOUSAL ABUSE: VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)
Despite the name of this act, the VAWA immigration provisions benefit both women and men. In spousal abuse cases, a woman or man from a foreign country marries a citizen or a legal permanent resident (LPR) of the United States. After the marriage, the immigrant claims the presence of domestic abuse and seeks to file for legal status separately from their U.S. citizen spouse, usually because the U.S. citizen or LPR spouse does not assist his or her spouse in this process. The foreign national can file a VAWA petition even if the marriage ended in divorce, as long as there was a connection between the divorce and domestic violence and/or abuse. The abuse can take the form of verbal, physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse. Marital incompatibilities which cause severe strains on a marriage and, in fact, could lead to divorce, do not by themselves constitute extreme cruelty. “Extreme cruelty” includes, but is not limited to, threats of violence, forceful detention, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation, rape, molestation, incest (if the victim is a minor), and forced prostitution.
The signs of abuse are not always obvious, and no one else has witnessed the abuse or the victim is too terrified to seek help. Examples of nonviolent acts that may also constitute extreme cruelty are social isolation of the victim, threats of deportation, threat of bodily harm, not allowing the victim to get a job, degrading the victim, and humiliating the victim privately and/or publicly. The most important goal of VAWA is to allow you, as the victim, to sever dependency on your abusive spouse by allowing you to file for permanent residency, without your spouse’s consent, help, support or participation of any kind.
U Visa gives legal status to immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, who have been victims of serious crimes in the United States. Such crimes including, but are not limited to, sexual abuse, domestic violence, involuntary servitude, sexual exploitation, kidnapping, trafficking, and rape. With a U Visa, the immigrant may stay and work in the U.S. for up to four years. After three years, however, a victim with a U visa may apply for a green card. The goal of the psychological evaluation is to assess the extent of serious physical, mental, or emotional consequences of the experience. An applicant for a U Visa has to be willing to assist the police and/or District Attorney’s Office in the investigation and/or with the prosecution of the criminal.
Applicants for political asylum often have been exposed to extreme deprivation, severe abuse, and even torture in their home country. Frequently, the mistreatment is associated with a political, religious, and/or ethnic persecution. At some point, the individual flees his or her country to the United States and files a Political Asylum claim.
The purpose of an immigration evaluation in asylum cases is to collect information about this mistreatment and to examine the psychological impact that these circumstances have had on the immigrant.
The T visa was created to provide immigration relief to victims of severe forms of human trafficking. A noncitizen may be eligible for a T visa if she is physically present in the United States on account of trafficking, if she assists law-enforcement officials in the investigation or prosecution of the traffickers (victims under 18 years of age are exempted from this requirement), and if she can demonstrate that she will suffer extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm if removed from the United States. Much like the U-Visa, there is a burden of proof necessary to establish the psychological and physical effects of the traumatic experience. A T visa protects recipients from removal and gives them permission to work in the United States. Bona fide T-visa applicants also have access to the same benefits as refugees, including cash assistance, food stamps, and job training.
Having a thorough and completed evaluation report can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
Each immigration situation is different, and I strive to approach each case and each person from an individual perspective. My goal is to provide a safe place where you can feel supported, respected, and understood.

“Children are the future of the planet, of our country, of our society. Love them, educate them, teach them values and morals, empower them, protect them, respect them, guide them, and most of all, love them. The future of our world depends on them.”
~ Unknown
If parenting came with a user’s manual, then the world would be a different place. But since even the best parents make unintentional mistakes, it’s important to have someone on your team to help you improve upon and feel more confident about your parenting techniques in order to deal with the stress that comes with raising children.
The truth is, parenting is one of the hardest things people will experience in their lifetime, but it certainly could be easier than it feels now.
One important goal of parenting is to teach children to develop self-discipline, self-regulation, accountability, responsibility and to foster independence. Additionally, learning and applying effective parenting skills helps establish a positive relationship between parents and their children.
Parenting skills training provide caregivers of children of all ages with a fundamental understanding of effective parenting practices in order to raise children, from toddlers to teens, and encourage them to feel good about themselves.
This program can also benefit teachers, counselors, nurses and social workers. Anyone who relates to children could benefit from this training!

Find your voice...
Do you ever feel like people don’t listen or don’t quite understand what you are trying to say? Or how about the feeling that no one ever takes you seriously? Do you keep your emotions inside because you fear confrontations and therefore avoid them? If you answered yes” to any of these questions, then Assertiveness Training will be a game changer in your life!
Assertiveness training is designed to help people stand up for themselves in a positive way and feel empowered. The purpose of assertiveness training is to teach the appropriate strategies for identifying desires, needs and opinions, and learn effective ways to communicate while being mindful of other people’s feelings.
Becoming assertive can help improve all areas of your life – including family, social, or work-related situations.
The results of Assertiveness training are priceless, and the skills learned are tools you will use for the rest of your life!